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  • Fueling conversations, igniting experiences

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Cricketers Club of NSW

New South Wales, Australia
The Cricketers’ Club of New South Wales has approximately 100 active cricketers. The Club also has a golf section. Of these 100 players, approximately 30 members play for the Club on Saturdays, and another 70 on Sundays and in mid-week games.

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My Activity

Q: Photo of Keith Elloy aged 16 batting for Singapore at the old Hong Kong ground against Hong Kong in 1966. The game was in the old tripartite Interport series (Shanghai is the 3rd Interport team)

This was before he started playing for Cricketers Club of NSW
Q: Cricketers Club of NSW touring party to Lord Howe 1998

Back Row - Rowan Hamman, Brian Fallon, Rodger Robertson, Tom Robertson, Evan Hamman, Mike Birchall, Steve Purcell
Front Row - Roger Williams, Keith Elloy, Garry Winney, Adrian Hawkes, Gordon Salier, Stirling Hamman
Q: Cricketers Club of NSW tour party in Christchurch 1992

Back Row - Adrian Hawkes; Mike Birchall, Ian Wright (umpire); Frank Crowe; Peter Thorogood, John Russell (Manager); Harry Solomons; Dennis Cameron; Joff Johnson; Dave Watt; Keith Elloy
Front Row - Garry Winney; Ian Duffy