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Josh Muddle- You're never too old to learn a lesson about cricket and life

Belmont District Cricket Club | July 15, 2024

Josh Muddle has been playing cricket since 2008. Josh is a kind soul who has contributed to Belmont Cricket Club both on and off the field.

Let’s find out more about Josh and his journey as a cricketer.


What year were you born?


Tell us about your cricket journey. Where did you start junior cricket and the clubs you’ve played for in senior cricket

I first started playing in 2008 for Valentine Eleebana CC where I played juniors, before making my senior debut in city and suburban cricket. In my last season of junior cricket, I made the move to Belmont where I made my grade debut and have been playing here ever since.

The Belmont Hotel is a proud sponsor of the Belmont District Cricket Club

How would you describe yourself as a cricketer?

I would describe myself as a gritty batsman who always bats better when I give myself time to get in.

What do you enjoy most about playing cricket?

The competitive battle on the field, wanting to win a game for my club. Off the field, the social comradery in the changeroom and getting down to the pub after games.

What’s been your most memorable moment in cricket so far?

My most memorable moment was being made a life member at BDCC in 2021. It was certainly something I was not expecting, considering the calibre of other players and people who have also received this honour.

Who’s your favourite all-time cricketer?

Ricky Ponting, the way he played the game the right way. He was always at the forefront of that Australian line-up and that is something that always inspired me as a young player.

Who is the fastest bowler you’ve played against?

Ray Cooper. I faced Ray a couple of times in the nets, and he was an absolute nightmare to bat against.

Ray Cooper

Who is the best spinner you’ve played against?

It would have to be a tie. First one would be Mark Curry. When he would bowl to us at his cricket clinic, his skill and mastery of the game would always shine through. The other one would be Andrew Standing. I've played a lot of cricket against Andrew. Played him on a lot of turning tracks. He consistently gave us nothing and would make you play every ball.

Who played the best innings you’ve seen firsthand playing with or against?

This one is easy, Craig Slavek. Me and Slav were batting together at Miller Field vs Wests. There was a little bit in it for the bowlers. By the time I had batted 2 sessions for 40, he was already on 110. He went on to score an unbeaten double-century that day and remains the single best innings I've seen to this day.

Who is the best wicketkeeper you’ve had the good fortune to play with?

To share a club with Marcus Hainsworth. To play with, Mark Finlayson

Is there a young player in your club you’d like to nominate as a player to watch?

Archie Bell. That kid has tremendous potential, particularly with a ball in hand. Definitely one to keep an eye on in the future.

Who are the two players you’ve come to admire most in your club in terms of skills and competitive spirit?

Mark Littlewood. Having had the privilege of playing at the club while Splinter was here. Watching him prepare for every game just speaks to his talent and his competitive drive. Just goes to show why he was the best player in the competition for such a long period of time.

Marcus Hainsworth is the second. Cussy made the game look so easy and yet his competitive drive to win always stood out whenever I watched him play 1st-grade cricket. His willingness to share that with his team and the rest of the club so that his competitive spirit would flow through to the other grades.

Marcus Hainsworth

What are the two attributes you like to see in a captain and leader?

As someone who was captain myself, you must be true to yourself and the way you want to lead. Also, always having your player’s backs and make sure that they know you believe in them.

Which singer/band would you like to see perform live?

Stand Atlantic.

Who’s considered the biggest pest at your club?

Jack Hogan. If you know Jack, you know exactly what I'm talking about.

Favourite location, city or country as a holiday destination?


Who’s been the biggest influence on your career so far?

Craig Slavek, Tony Bristow, Luke Harradine and Tristan Combridge. These 4 people have had such a profound impact on my cricketing journey so far and it is impossible to separate them.

Where do you find inspiration that gets you through challenging times?

My close friends and the people important to me.

Who are the three people in the world you’d love to meet and talk to?

LeBron James, Ricky Ponting and Jenson Ackles.

LeBron James

What do you like to do to relax outside cricket?

Read, play games, and hang out with friends.

If working, what do you do?

Disability support worker.

Do you have a favourite quote?

"There are no packs between lions and men" spoken by Achilles before he killed Hector.

What are your goals for the next season?

To help the club get back to where it rightfully belongs in terms of being one of the

winningest clubs in the NDCA.

What would it mean to you to play first-class cricket?

It would mean a lot. It would speak to the level of the game that I would reach and would be incredible to get the opportunity to play against so many quality cricketers.







About Me

Belmont District Cricket Club

Newcastle, Australia
Belmont District Cricket Club is a member of the Newcastle District Cricket Association and Newcastle Junior Cricket. Belmont District Cricket Club has a storied history that dates back to 1945.