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Western Suburbs 1914-15 First Grade Premiers

Western Suburbs District Cricket Club Sydney | February 28, 2025

The Western Suburbs First Grade Premiership winning team of 1914-15.

Standing (left to right): Harry Dupain, Joe Taylor, TJ Proud (Team Secretary), Keith Docker, Doug Reid. 

Seated: Jack Myers, Wybergh Docker, Austin Diamond, Ward Prentice, Percy Dive. 

Front: Haywood Murray, Bert Pratten. 

All of these men, except Haywood Murray and Jack Myers, appeared in first-class cricket for New South Wales at some stage in their careers. This was the third premiership achieved by the club - and Austin Diamond had been a member of all three teams.

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Western Suburbs District Cricket Club Sydney

Sydney, New South Wales, Australia
Western Suburbs District Cricket Club, “Wests Magpies”, is part of the Sydney Cricket Association (SCA) Grade Competition. Based at the picturesque and historic Pratten Park in Ashfield, the Club was founded in 1895 and has a proud tradition of success, especially in the development of many fine players