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My Best Grade team - Adam McNamara 1991 to 2007

Adam McNamara | September 09, 2023

I had the good fortune of playing for the two best grade / district clubs in Australia, that being St Kilda CC and St George CC. Both clubs are steeped in history (seven players in the Australian team of the century), strong cultures centred around passion for the club, an environment of success and where aspiring cricketers honed their skills to become better cricketers and people.

I have lifelong friends and many wonderful memories from my playing days at both clubs. I was fortunate to be part of premiership winning teams (lower grades) and club championships at both clubs. Over the journey I learnt a great deal from those associated with both clubs be that players, coaches, or administrators. I was a fringe player at 1st grade level so for me it was a privilege to observe and play with so many great players.

My best eleven I played with:      

1. Nick Jewell - St Kilda

A big game player, highly competitive, you want Nick in the trenches with you.

2. Brett Van Deinsen – St George

A huge talent, very powerful, could dominate any bowling attack, his bowling was very handy and had great hands. If only her realised how talented he was!

3. Laurie Harper – St Kilda

A superb left hander bat, an absolute class act. Could score big runs, bowled handy outswing and excellent in the field.

4. Graeme Rummans – St George and St Kilda

My Mr Cricket. What an unbelievable career and record at this level. When you combine Rummo's career stats between St George and St Kilda I believe his record (runs, avg, premierships) would suggest he is the best ever batsman who has played at this level over a sustained period of time. A big call, but do yourself a favour and have a look at his stats, truly incredible. He is also my number 2 spinner in the team!

5. Moises Henriques – St George (Captain)

A wonderful natural leader and captain of my team. He demonstrated leadership capabilities beyond his years at a young age and blokes want to play for Mo. He reads the game very well, backs his instincts and super talented with bat and ball. From an early age I always thought he was more of a batting all-rounder, disappointingly he hasn't had more opportunities at national level not just as a player but a leader.  

6. Brad McNamara – St George

Not only a character, but a fantastic all round cricketer. The Buzzard bowled well for his size, good bouncer and very consistent with the bat. A great tourist!

7. Nathan Pilon – St George

One of the most naturally gifted cricketers I played with, unbelievable hand eye, beautiful hands and could wack the ball to most corners of any ground.

8. Shaun Graf – St Kilda

A hard task master, super competitive, hated the opposition (particularly Melbourne) and would often froth at the mouth when the competitive juices were flowing. Graffy had an excellent bouncer and very handy with the bat at number 8.

9. Shane Warne – St Kilda

Genius, on and off the pitch, say no more! Although I nearly got killed fielding at short leg to Warnie at the Junction Oval when he was once returning from injury. I was young and eager and couldn't volunteer quick enough to get under the lid that day.

10. Trent Copeland – St George

What a transformation from 3rd grade wicket keeper to wearing the Baggy Green for Australia as a bowler. Impeccable line and length, I often set 9/2 fields for Trent in his first season in 1st grade, great wrist position from a height. He was a wicket taking machine, loved the ball in hand and would bowl long spells. He shattered the myth of bowlers needing to be managed but bowling non-stop. More than handy with the bat.   

11. Adrian Jones – St Kilda

The only player in my 11 not to play first class cricket, but not through lack of effort. Got the absolute best out of himself, could bowl long spells even after the occasional sub optimal Friday night preparation. 

12th Men - I could easily pick another team! Some were squeezed out by the talent above whilst others I probably didn't play enough games with.

Stuart MacGill (didn't play enough games with), Nathan Catalano, Justin Gale, Shawn Craig, Scott Thompson, Paul Ryan, Michael Klinger (didn't play enough games with), Rob Quiney (didn't play enough games with), Andrew Grant, Warren Whiteside, John Davidson, Phillip Wells, Mark Stoneman, Steven Green. Apologies for the many I have left out.

About Me

Adam McNamara

Bega Cheese
Melbourne, Victoria, Australia
General Manager Bega Foods at Bega Cheese Limited

Played Victoria Premier Cricket for St Kilda Cricket Club and NSW Premier Cricket for St George DCC