Gordon's Best Top Six Batsmen
Gordon District Cricket Club | March 09, 2025
It is not often we are able to compare a group of top six batters that played together for five seasons who have scored 40,752 runs for the Gordon Club at an average of 6,792 runs per player. With the retirement of Tym Crawford at the end of the 2025 season (moving to the UK), this now leaves Axel Cahlin as the remaining batsman to hold the flame. Those top six batsman were:
Batter First Grade runs (FG) Runs in all grades (AG)
Steve Colley (2006-2022) FG - 5968, AG - 7513
Tym Crawford (2013-2025) FG - 7232, AG - 7479
Harry Evans (2006-2020) FG - 5503, AG - 7027
Elliot Richtor (2005-2022) FG - 3570, AG - 6316
Axel Cahlin (2012-current) FG - 4993, AG- 6281
Cameron Eccles (2007-2021) FG - 4377, AG - 6136
The above list doesn’t include James Packman who scored 8,661 runs as he retired in 2014 and didn’t play with all of these six at the same time.
With Tym Crawford starting in 2013 and Harry Evans and Axel Cahlin spending two years away from the club late in their careers before returning, this meant there were five seasons where the top six played together for most of the time in any one season.
In a one day match against St. George in 2016, Gordon scored 8 for 295 and the top six scored 260 of the runs. In the same match both Harry Evans and Steve Colley went over 5000 runs in first grade while Tym Crawford reached 3000 runs.
This means all of the six batsman have scored more than 6000 runs for the club with three over 5,000 in first grade and the other three with more than 3,500.
With a club having such rich history it is important to compare achievements of current players with some of our greats of the past and there is no other group of top six batsman that can compare with these players. The only way to find a comparison is if we drop the number to four top six batsman and that brings in one group that might just top the number of runs scored by our current and recent players.
They are the 1944/45 first grade team that included Sid Carroll (11,322 runs), Jack Potter (6,211 runs), Frank Fordham (5,528 runs) and Ginty Lush (3,119 runs). With the retirement of Frank Fordham that season, the other three went on to play in the 1945/46 premiership team captained by Ginty Lush.
There are no other groups of 3 or more batsman with over 3,000 first grade runs who played in the same team.
Congratulations to Harry, Tym, Steve, Cam, Elliot and Axel on their achievements and we look to Axel continuing on to eventually complete the statistics.