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Heidi Cheadle - believe you can

Gordon Women's District Cricket Club | February 03, 2023

Heidi Cheadle is the current first grade captain of Gordon Women’s Cricket Club.

A wicket keeper batter Heidi was selected in the 2019/20 NSW Women’s Premier Cricket First Grade team of the year.

At the time of publication Heidi has scored over 2,600 first grade runs and as a wicket keeper taken 136 dismissals including 55 catches and 81 stumping’s.

Let’s meet Heidi Cheadle 

What year you were born?


When did you first take an interest in cricket?

We moved to England when I was about 8 and my brother Nick and I were in the backyard playing every hour god sent.

If you can share with our readers how you would describe yourself as a cricketer?

Wicket keeper with a deep obsession and unwavering curiosity for batting.

What’s been your most memorable moment in cricket so far?

It’s a toss up between being chosen to be a part of the SCG XI team and playing on the SCG for the women’s multicultural bash. In saying that, my original teammate, Jo Lawson, fielding at point yelling ‘SHOT’ when Nicola Carey smoked one of our bowlers for 4 is hard to forget and still brings me joy every time I think about it.

At what age did you make your first grade debut?

18, I think.

Who’s your favourite all-time cricketer?

Alyssa Healy

Who is the best fast bowler you’ve played against?

Stella Campbell - I knew her from a U13’s team I was coaching a hundred years ago when she was only a gentle itty bitty, but the first time I faced her was last season and I'm pretty sure she corked and bruised my leg through my thigh pad.

Who is the best spinner you’ve played against?

I remember playing Sydney back in the day and the over that Ange Reakes bowled to me that day - wizardry.

Who’s the best wicket keeper you’ve seen firsthand playing with or against?

Alyssa Healy - I remember the first time that I ever played proper cricket, was with Midge when we played Combined Independent Schools, and from day 1, I was in complete awe of her. Still am who are we kidding?

Alyssa Healy

As a wicket keeper is there a catch or a stumping that always bring a little smile to your face?

I took a stumping when I was keeping up to Em Leys who bowled these beautiful left armers that would drift across batters. It darted through a little wider and the batter went out and took her back foot with her just enough and it was clean, quick and soooooo satisfying. 

Who bowled the best spell you’ve seen firsthand playing with or against?

Rene Farrell. Glenn McGrath Oval. Absolutely ridiculous. I can’t remember the exact numbers but it was something like a lot of wickets with not a lot of runs in not a lot of overs. A vivid picture I have painted I know, but it was a collection of the most incredible bowling you can’t even be mad. She had a day.

Who are the two players in NSW Women’s Premier Cricket you’ve come to admire most in terms of skills and competitive spirit in the competitions you played?

I’m going to have to give you 3.

Shannon Heath - Gordon, Cailyn Fountain - St George & Mary Ann Henderson from Sydney. They train hard, play hard, consistently perform and support and are some of the greatest humans made.

Which singer/band would you like to see perform live?

Carrie Underwood

Can you recall some banter or an exchange on the cricket field that still makes you laugh today?

I once heard a boy who couldn’t have been more than 10 yell out to the batter that the bat they were using mustn’t have come with instructions.

Who’s been the biggest influence on your career so far?

Lisa Sthalekar. The woman is ridiculous and knows the game better than anyone. Any time I go out to bat, I have her in my head saying just get to 10 runs, and then get to 20. She’s also there when I’m keeping because it only takes one mortifying experience of trying to go for a direct hit with your wicket keeping glove on, in front of an ex Australian player, to make you never go for a direct hit with your wicket keeping glove on again.

What does it mean to you personally to be the captain of Gordon Women’s First Grade cricket team?

I’m very grateful to captain Gordon. I have been at the club since I was a junior in that blue and white checked shirt and that makes me so proud. I certainly have a long way to go but I have learned a lot about myself, the game and what’s important and I really appreciate the support from the club in putting me forward and any opportunity to learn something new. Big shout out to Jess Henry who has been there from the beginning.

Where do you find inspiration that gets you through challenging times?

I’m really trying to trust the process and go with the timing of the world and lean into the whole ‘things you can and things you can’t control’. I have a mad circle of supporters and a pretty solid selection of podcasts that help me too.

Gordon Womens District Cricket Club First Grade Premiers 2016-17

Who are the three people in the world you’d love to have a chat to in person?

Taylor Swift, Meg Lanning and Taylor Tomlinson

What do you like to do to relax outside cricket?

It’s mostly cricket. Partial to some tennis and pulling out a cheeky reverse sweep playing cricket 22 on PlayStation.

What’s your occupation?

Personal trainer at Regenesis Fitness in Edgecliff

Do you have a favourite quote?

Believe you can and you’re halfway there.

That and Theodore Roosevelts Daring Greatly quote. It’s long but incredible.

Can we ask, what would it mean to you to be selected to play for NSW?

I’m not sure I have the words to fully express what it would mean. It’s the dream. Cricket has given me some of the most challenging and rewarding experiences and to be even hypothetically selected for NSW gives me hope and chills.

About Me

Gordon Women's District Cricket Club

Sydney, Australia
Junior and Senior Cricket Club for girls and women playing in the NSW Women's Premier Cricket Competition