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Gilbert Enoka: The Game Within The Game with Grit and Greatness

CricConnect Stories | April 17, 2024

We thought this terrific interview with Gilbert Enoka would provide value to all cricket players, coaches and club managers administrators.

Cat Peters from Grit and Greatness

When you join the NZ All Blacks Rugby Team, the legacy itself is far more intimidating than any opponent you’ll face.

Add to that the pressure, expectations and weight of a nation and you have the ultimate game within the game. We sit down with Gilbert Enoka - All Blacks Leadership Manager, internationally renowned mental skills coach and the man who's known for being able to get inside the heads of one of the greatest international sports team in history.

His true Kiwi, no b/s approach to greatness and the man who coined the 'No Dickheads' policy with a motto "if you can't change the people, change the people" has helped build one of the greatest and most revered cultures and proudest legacies of any team in history.

Join us as we get inside Gilbert's head and learn the tools and tactics to address resilience, pressure and manage expectations. Oh and we also find out just how bad the man cold really is (or isn't) when it hits the All Blacks camp...

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CricConnect Stories

Sydney, New South Wales, Australia
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