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last year

Kepler Wessels - “Make the bowler earn your wicket and be ruthless when you get a start.”

Speak to Greg Chappell Cricket Centre CEO Greg Tibbits for any longer than 10 minutes and you will hear about the day he knocked over Kepler Wessels, Allan Border and Greg Ritchie in quick succession in a Brisbane 1st grade game for Colts against a star-studded Valleys side. “Chad” and I were teammates that year and didn’t win too many games but may have won that one if Kepler hadn’t already scored 140.

Kepler’s hundred that day just seemed so….inevitable. His Duncan Fearnley Magnum may have taken a unique and circuitous route to meet the ball but once it did it seemed 10 inches wide. It was a flawless display of concentration, shot selection and placement yet I doubt he even remembers it. That it appeared like he was working on a few shots in a throw down session illustrated just how his professionalism and single-mindedness reaped almost 25,000 first class runs at an average of 50 including 66 hundreds, 6 of them in Test matches.


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