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last year

A rather weather beaten old 'photo was delivered to Pratten Park recently and, fortunately, the Groundsman, current Wests' First Grader, Nick Cutler, was there to receive it.

The photograph (attached) and lovingly restored as well as possible by Wests Archives, was taken by a local Dubbo photographer at Easter 1930, and it depicts what he has called the 'Southern Star' and the visiting Magpies Players, Manager and Scorer lined up on the runway.

The monoplane was actually called the 'Southern Cloud', a ‘sister ship’ of Kingsford Smith’s ‘Southern Cross’, a high wing monoplane and, in fact, one of five purchased by 'Smithy' for his fledgling ANA fleet. The 'plane's details can be seen on the photograph caption.

Among the tourists was Selby Burt, Western Suburbs’ Player #237 and the highest wicket taker in the Club's history (793 wickets at an average of 16.45), in a career that stretched from 1923 to 1942. Selby's great, great grandson, Tom Burt, is Wests' First Grade Player #699.



Fantastic find.

I remember meeting Reg Herford in my early days. He was a tremendous administrator and Wests delegate to the NSW CA for many years. Great record of a bygone era


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