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last year

Paul Henricks was an integral member of the Sunshine Coast Scorchers teams in the club’s first 7 seasons. Having been a dominant player in the strong Sunshine Coast competition for many years he soon adapted his game and found his niche in Brisbane Premier Cricket. Eternally positive & upbeat he could always be relied upon to lift the team’s spirits with a brilliant piece of fielding, a tight spell or vital breakthrough or even tripping over in the outfield or being dismissed in a farcical manner.

Beneath this easygoing exterior however lurked a serious competitor who was not averse to gamesmanship. Perhaps most notable was the night before an away game at Graceville, the Wests captain was forced to search Brisbane’s inner Western suburbs until 3am, Henricks cynically having fallen asleep in a garden near the Toowong restaurant at which they had been dining earlier in the evening. Having been suspected of consuming alcohol, Henricks later claimed to have been weary after having unpacked an unusually large shipment of Grippo earlier in the day.


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