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  • Fueling conversations, igniting experiences
12 months ago

NSWCUSA - Annual Dinner and Awards Night

Alan Marshall (#14) and Arthur Watson (#15) were inducted into the NSWCUSA Hall of Fame. This was beautifully put together by the Association, appreciated by members of the late Alan Marshall’s family and by Arthur Watson and his wife, Ann, who were in attendance. Arthur spoke superbly about his work with Alan over many years in honouring him. Alan and Arthur have been such outstanding ambassadors and contributors on and off the field. We owe so much to those who dug the well in the NSWCUSA, standing strongly on the shoulders of those who have gone before us. Alan and Arthur were deserving HoF inductees, they have done and achieved so much. Given their friendship, teamwork and respective contributions, it was fitting they were honoured on the same night.


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