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  • Fueling conversations, igniting experiences
10 months ago

Time to let the cat…or should I say bull out of the bag!

I’ve accepted a job at Queensland Cricket as an Elite Physical Performance Coach. I am excited to get stuck in and work with some of the best coaches and athletes in Australia and drive the program forward into the future.

This brings an end to my journey in the Cricket system in the USA. It has been an absolute whirlwind of an experience. I tried my hardest to support the athletes and collaborate with some brilliant coaches over the years in what is a very challenging environment. Thanks to all the athletes and coaches for the great memories, you all hold a special place and I have learnt a lot from you all.

I was very fortunate to be a part of USA cricket gaining ODI status, a part of Major League Cricket growth and be a part of Washington Freedom for season one. I feel very fortunate to be here for so much growth and excitement over the last 6 years. However, the time is right to move on and head back to Australia with the family.

We set off next week for Brisbane. We can’t wait to make Brisbane our new home, create a heap of new adventures and experiences and work in the best system in the world. August can’t wait to see koalas, kangaroos and play cricket!

Brissy here we come! 🇦🇺💪🏼

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