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10 months ago

I joined Fairfield Liverpool at the start of the 1988/89 season after short stints at Petersham Marrickville CC and Parramatta DCC and have seen the club grow immensely from their first season in 1985/86.

There have been many great cricketers and premierships along the way.

Here is my all-time best Fairfield Liverpool cricket team from players I had the good fortune to play with

1. Grant Lambert
350 games, 12,572 runs and 681 wickets

2. Garry Baldwin
148 games, 4,915 runs and 155 wickets

3. Steve B Smith
71 games, 3,483 runs

4. Ben Rohrer
304 games, 10,375 runs and 54 wickets

5. Anthony Clark
449 games, 11,127 runs and 766 wickets

6. David Kelley
303 games, 8,765 runs and 81 wickets

7. Sean Pope – Wicket Keeper
113 games, 2,711 runs and 184 dismissals

8. Brett Patman
54 games, 1,144 runs and 108 wickets

9. Ronnie Davis
129 games, 1,285 runs and 286 wickets

10.Doug Bollinger
113 games, 570 runs and 246 wickets

11. Bill York - Captain
276 games, 1,756 runs and 674 wickets

Manager – Doug Williams

Scorer – Kay Wilcoxon

Coaches – Ron Harival and Bill Madden

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