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9 months ago

NSW Combined GPS First XI Cricket team – 1988

Back Row – S. Waddington (Sydney Grammer), M. Hayward (Newington)

Middle Row – G. Easy (St Ignatius Riverview), B. Munro (Sydney Grammar), J. Horley (Newington), D. Gordon (Scots), A. O’Malley (Kings), C. Kourtesis (Manager)

Front Row – H. McCathie (Shore), J. Davison (St Ignatius Riverview), S. Gray (Sydney Grammer and Vice-Captain), A. Smith (St Ignatius Riverview and Captain), R. Wiles (Kings), W. Adlam (Scots), J. Yaffa (Kings)

9 players played first grade cricket in Sydney
2 players played first class cricket
4 players played NSW 2nd XI
1 international – John Davison played for Canada

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First class cricket players - I know one is Warwick Adlam, who's the other?

And is J Horley related to current player Saskia?


John Davison played for Victoria and South Australia.

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