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A fundamental skill for any batter is the art of concentration

Faster improvement- why wait?

“Oh, mate, talk about frustrating… he threw it away again. Looked great for 80 minutes…then, all of a sudden, he ran at the leggie like a madman and tried to hit him into the next suburb. Missed it by a foot. Another big score gone begging. Bloody young guys…just don’t want it enough.”

I bet many of you have heard something like this from a Coach, official or senior player over the years- probably on multiple occasions. It’s the classic lament about the inability of promising youngsters to convert 20s and 30s into 70s and 100s. This age-old phenomenon is very frustrating not only for those watching young batsmen’s often chaotic downfalls, but also the youngsters themselves. They’re usually at a loss when asked what, if anything, triggered the brain explosion.


last year

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