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  • Fueling conversations, igniting experiences
8 months ago

Cricket clubs foster a sense of belonging and connection. The mateship and support structures we all experience are invaluable, as is our capacity to rally as a community when one of our own needs support.

Karl Hieser, Prahran Cricket Club Melbourne 2nd XI scorer, tragically lost his father (his carer) and his home in a house fire last Sunday night.

Karl, who suffers from cerebral palsy, is the volunteer every cricket club needs and loves with immense admiration.

He commenced scoring Prahran 2nd grade games back in 1992–93 and, for over 30 years, has scored more than 500 games of cricket.

Karl’s invaluable contribution and influence within the Prahran Cricket Club have seen him afforded Life Membership in the club as well as being inducted into the Prahran Cricket Club Hall of Fame.

We’re hoping that in Karl’s time of need, the cricket community can offer our support with a donation, however big or small, to the following Go Fund Me link - https://gofund.me/5f5e4cb8

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