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7 months ago

Adrian Mannel – 15 years as Treasurer - Appreciation Post

In 2010, the club was on the lookout for a new Treasurer, after Greg Hook decided to take a step back from duty full time. A young 22 year old player put up his hand to take on the challenge.

Now, heading into his 15th year, Adrian Mannel will become the longest serving Treasurer in Newcastle City Cricket Club’s history.

Greg had this to say about Adrian.

“It’s rare that someone so young has the social conscience to volunteer their services to a club for that length of time.

Adrian has done it with distinction and has been and continues to be an integral part of the success of the club”

Adrian’s loyalty and dedication to our Club was met with well justified Life Membership in 2019. A rich reward for many years of service.

When asked about his time at Newcastle City Cricket Club, Adrian said;

“It’s been great to play matches with so many talented juniors over the years who have gone through to play at a higher level, and seeing our Club progress to being such a strong force in the competition has been great to be part of.”

We also asked Adrian what 15 years of service meant to him.

“It’s an honour to get recognition for 15 years…” he said.

“Seem’s like I was just a kid when I started on the committee all those years ago”

”I’ve got so many memories, successes and friends from being involved…I look forward to continuing to do what I can to support and build the club even further…Thankfully the days of cheque books are now gone!”

Adrian went on to thank Greg Hook for his help over the years.

“Couldn’t have done it without Hooky, who has assisted me greatly.”

We congratulate Adrian on his 15 years of unwavering service and look forward to many more!

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