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  • Fueling conversations, igniting experiences
4 months ago

Penrith Cricket Club - Glenn Bradley #141

I played my junior cricket for Colyton-St Clair Colts and then St Clair Hawks when they were established in the early 90s. Despite trialling each year, I only made my first rep team in U13s in what was a very strong team. I started at Penrith CC in Greenies and 5s and managed to work my way up to my 1st grade debut in 1998/99. In 2005, I was lucky enough to have a season for Broxbourne CC in Hertfordshire, UK, which was bloody fantastic. I came back to Sydney and moved clubs to Blacktown CC and played a season of 1s there before joining the NSW Police and had to give up playing at 26 because of roster issues and working weekends.


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