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4 months ago

When Don Bradman made his debut in 1st Grade at Petersham Oval on Saturday 27 November 1926, walking to the crease with the score at 4 for 104, I’m certain no one in the crowd could have imagined the impact this young man would have on, not only that match, but cricket itself.

Dick Jones, the Club Assistant Secretary, and inaugural first grade captain, who opened the batting that day, sadly dismissed for a duck, thought the boy from Bowral had more potential than most.


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4 months ago

More potential than most.

The understatement of the century. Didnt The Don play his first match against seasoned male cricketers at Bowral at age 15 because the local side was a player short. He then set about changing the match by depositing the ball to almost every section of the outfield. This was a sign of what was to come from the master batsman for the next 25 years.

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