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  • Fueling conversations, igniting experiences
3 days ago

A cassette in our collection contains brief remarks from Don Bradman, in which he selected his best St George Cricket Club XI from all the cricketers he had seen playing for the club. He said: “Alan Fairfax and I became the club’s first international representatives in 1928. In the ensuing years many fine players gravitated through the St. George ranks; and I have taken the liberty of choosing a St George team which I would be happy to captain and challenge the best that could be chosen from any other club in Australia.

Here is my side in batting order: Arthur Morris, Les Favell, myself at first wicket, Norman O’Neill, Brian Booth, all-rounder Alan Fairfax, to keep wicket Ernie Laidler, to open the bowling Ray Lindwall and Harry Theak, and then the spinners Frank Ward and Bill O’Reilly, the greatest of them all. I am aware that Ernie Laidler and Harry Theak did not represent their country, but both were good enough to have done so. That is a beautifully balanced and attractive side.


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