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Sam Menners
Sam Menners
2 years ago

How important is the communication between two batters to build a good partnership?

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Communication is vital between the two batters.

Some batters like to be chatty whilst others may like to be quieter, but the communication needs to be helpful for both.
Obviously running between wickets with loud calls is important but so is discussing how the team is going, the importance of the partnership and how each batter feeling and playing themselves.

One batter maybe struggling against a particular bowler, or trying to hit the ball too hard or losing their shape when playing attacking strokes. It’s important their partner offers a quite word of encouragement to help them get through the tough period.

Discussing the importance of singles and turning the strike over. Being able to identify where they can both pick up quick singles and who are the better fielders to be mindful of.

It’s 11 fielders against 2 batters so it’s important the batters communicate and help each other as they look to score runs and build a partnership for their team.

If both batters can help their partner get through the tough periods it can wear down the fielding team, the bowlers lose their patience and there’s more opportunities to score runs as the bowlers become tired.

You can’t score runs and win games for your team sitting in the dressing sheds. Partnerships and good communication are vital.

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