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NSW Imparja Cup team for National Indigenous Cricket Championships - 2011

Back Row - Peter Cooley (Manager), Aaron Muir (WK), Andrew Julian (Sydney), Daniel Caldwell (Sydney), Tyrone Thomas (Eden), Kris Halloran (Tamworth), Adam Honeysett (Gulgong), Jake Turner (Glen Innes), Tim Croft (Team Physiotherapist)
Front Row - Tyson Jolly (Newcastle), Patrick Rosser (Parkes), Jeff Cook (Tamworth), Damien Duroux (Sydney) and Andrew Gordon (Wee Waa/Ballina)

Team was the 2011 NSW Team that played in the National Indigenous Cricket Championships (went through undefeated). This was the second Aboriginal Cricket team to ever play on the SCG.

2 years earlier we played on the SCG against a Sydney XI. Also, every cricketer in this team played in Sydney Grade cricket during their careers, including the Country players

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