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John McMahon Grandstand – Oakes Oval Lismore

The Lismore community gathered to celebrate the legacy of John McMahon, unveiling a grandstand in his honor at the newly refurbished Oakes Oval. A true icon of NSW country cricket, John passed away on 22 January 2024 and the age of 91 and dedicated nearly seven decades to the sport as a player, coach, and administrator. His contributions were recognized with a Medal of the Order of Australia (OAM) in 2008, cementing his status as a legend of the game.

Born in Sydney in 1932, John’s cricketing journey began at the age of nine. A left-arm wrist spinner, he excelled in club cricket for Balmain, took 120 wickets in Poidevin-Gray Shield, and later represented Queensland in Sheffield Shield cricket. After moving to Lismore in the 1950s, John became a cornerstone of Far North Coast cricket, earning life membership in multiple cricketing organizations and captaining representative teams against touring international sides like South Africa and England.

John’s passion also extended to his family, with his sons excelling in first-grade cricket and his daughters representing Queensland in indoor cricket. Through the grandstand named in his honour, his remarkable contributions to cricket and his community will be remembered for generations. John McMahon’s life truly exemplifies a legacy worth celebrating.

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Belmont District Cricket Club President's Report and 1st Grade Report 1989/90

It Is once again my pleasure to report the actlvitles of the Belmont District Cricket Club for the past season. Whilst many may sit In Judgement on the relatively poor performances of the club In not winning any Senlor grade premierships, I still feel the club has been successful.

We have continued to develop a strong and valuable Junlor club that continues to grow and is providing a very important nursery for years to come.

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last month

No names, no pack drills……

I’m sure you know who you are.

The academy coaching structure in India is broken.

The Academy structure is failing more than 60% of junior cricketers.

Too many parents are paying money for absolutely nothing.

We’ve had 40% of cricketers turn up for trials who have been paying for academy coaching for 2/3 years and they don’t even have a decent set up.

The boys we’ve seen are “chucking “and their parents have been paying big money to mainly large franchise academies for 3/4 years.. It’s sad and embarrassing watching them bowl and even more embarrassing when their non-cricket parents think they’re doing fine.

Some parents are just not aware that their children are going backwards, not forwards…

It’s nothing short of theft…

If your child was going backwards at school grades in math, science etc., parents would be asking what the teacher and school was doing…

The analogy is the same with cricket… parents do need to ask why their child isn’t improving at cricket… particularly after 1/2/3 years of academy coaching and paying the big fees..

In my opinion it’s the academies who have multiple franchises and or a large number of academies are the biggest culprits…

Think McDonalds or Burger King… … that’s how too many of our kids are being served cricket.

It’s simply a process line of people and cricket…. Do you want pickles, mayonnaise?

Most parents are getting pickled and creamed big time!!!

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last month

Sledging. It’s lost some of its lustre, yeah? The PC requirements of the modern day has meant comments about rival players being shit blokes gets the media wetting themselves over the wit, class, cunning and hard arsed edge from which the game is currently played.

Give Painey credit, he does make the below list of celebrated verbal heroes, and he does so as an eleven-year-old chump. He’s got it in him, Painey; but this last test match was falsely made out to be played with same ferocity as the Battle of Britain – both the war and the North Melbourne v Carlton game from 1987.

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last month

There is a certain type of cricketer who is the backbone of a Grade club who turns up every week, plays his heart out and encourages his team mates along the way to do their best at all times. There are several players in this category but when it has continued for 13 seasons it is special.

Dave Monaghan (pictured with mate Lachie Burrows) epitomizes what the Gordon Cricket club stands for which is to strive for excellence, respect your opponents, succeed as a team, and provide leadership with humility. He meets all of these values every time he steps onto the field to represent his club.

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